10 Foods High in Vitamin B That Are Essential for Growth and Development

There are different types of Vitamin B and all of them are essential for the growth and development of the body. Individually, they bring tons of benefits, but collectively they also provide the same thing. They perform different jobs and this includes releasing energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Some food sources are rich in … Read more

10 Foods High in Selenium That Should be Part of Your Daily Diet

You might not be familiar with selenium but it does a lot to keep you healthy. It is considered a trace mineral and it works well when paired with Vitamin E. It helps in preventing damage to the cells. It is also essential in making sure iodine regulates y our metabolism better and allows Vitamin … Read more

These 11 Foods High in Nitrates are Rich in Other Nutrients as Well

Nitric oxide helps in dilating blood vessels in order to expand your arteries and remove blockage. It means that you will have improved blood flow. High levels of nitrate in your blood have a lot of benefits especially for men. To begin with, testosterone production will be boosted. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction may also … Read more

These 10 Foods High in Niacin are Surprisingly Good!

Niacin refers to Vitamin B3, which is one of the essential nutrients you need to increase metabolism. If you intend to lose weight, you have to eat foods rich in niacin. Lack of niacin in the body could lead to problems such as diarrhea, dermatitis and dementia. In some cases, it could even lead to … Read more

You Need These 11 Foods High in Folic Acid for Development

People usually assume that folate and folic acid are the same. The truth is that they have different metabolic functions. Folate is a kind of Vitamin B9 and is usually seen in various plants and animals. Folic acid is a synthetic form of the vitamin. It is found in fortified foods and supplements. Excess folic … Read more

10 Foods High in Calories That are a Big NO

Unless you are trying to gain weight, you have to avoid foods high in calories. They will make it difficult for you to lose weight. Even if you try really hard to achieve your fitness goals, your efforts will go to waste because of these high-calorie dishes. Even for people who are snacking frequently to … Read more

Take These 10 Foods High in Vitamin B2 for Better Energy

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin that is part of the vitamin B complex. It boosts the level of energy in the system giving you the endurance and stamina to do more. This vitamin also ensures that other B vitamins function well in turning foods into energy. If you are low in energy … Read more

Avoid These 10 Foods High in Oxalate to Prevent Kidney Stones

Oxalate is a waste compound in the body that exits through the urine. This is also a substance that is found in some foods. When the oxalate level in the body becomes high, this can lead to the formation of kidney stones. The stones get bigger if you continue to take foods high in oxalate. … Read more

10 Foods High in Vitamin B6 for Proper Body Functions

Vitamin B6 is vital for the proper function of various systems in the body, including the immune system and nervous system. This is a water-soluble vitamin that helps in the maintenance of the metabolism of red blood cells. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to various health concerns, such as anemia, convulsions, confusion, depression, and … Read more

Keep Your Skin and Hair Healthy with These 10 Foods High in Sulfur

Sulfur is a mineral best known for its effect on the hair and skin. It is found in hot springs and around volcanoes, and it is also present in some plants and meat products. According to research, it also helps in making the system resistant to toxic substances and bacteria. If you need to increase … Read more