14 Best Home Remedies To Treat Liver Pain Naturally

Liver pain may be described as a dull throbbing or stabbing pain in the upper right abdomen, directly below the ribs. Cirrhosis-related splenomegaly and liver enlargement might contribute to generalized abdominal pain and discomfort. Abdominal pain is also a common symptom of liver disease and a fatty liver.

The root cause of liver pain will determine the best treatment option and home remedies. In most cases, a patient’s liver pain won’t be treatable until a diagnosis. However, if liver pain is accompanied by jaundice and abdominal swelling, this could be a sign of liver disease and requires immediate medical attention.

For liver disease patients, it is best to stick to the treatment plan the doctor has laid out. Alterations to one’s lifestyle, diet, medication, and other therapies may be necessary. Keeping up with generally healthy behaviors is the best natural method for managing liver pain. It is recommended that patients consume a healthy, balanced diet and drink sufficient water. Avoiding alcoholic beverages and controlling blood pressure might also help treat symptoms. Although over-the-counter drugs for pain relief are available, doctors do not suggest taking them frequently. Moreover, other natural remedies may alleviate liver pain and slow its progression. 

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is derived from the consumption of the Mediterranean Sea countries in the 1960s, including Spain, Greece, and Italy. It has been linked to minimal diet-related health problems and chronic diseases, including liver cancer and cardiovascular disease, and lower mortality rates.

The Mediterranean diet mainly consists of fruits, vegetables, legumes, herbs, spices, seeds, and whole grains. Consumption of seafood is also recommended weekly, while refined carbohydrates, sugary meals, and processed foods are limited. Patients can also drink natural fruit juices in moderation for fiber intake. Frozen, dried, and canned fruits and vegetables can be an option but carefully choose products with less added sugar or salt. Regular exercise, scheduled mealtimes, and stress reduction are other hallmarks of the Mediterranean way of life.

Numerous studies revealed that following a Mediterranean diet may reduce weight and cardiovascular disease risk, all associated with liver pain. Scientific research has revealed that liver cirrhosis patients who follow this diet are less likely to need hospital readmission. The Mediterranean diet has improved the microbes in the digestive tract, which plays a role in slowing down the progression of cirrhosis. Furthermore, it has been shown to reduce the risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.