10 Foods High in Lipids That Are Actually Good For You

Lipids, according to biology, are a category  molecules whose main feature is insolubility, or inability to mix with water. This category includes fatty acids, triglycerides, and fats. But for most people, lipid is an acceptable synonym for fat, and if you came to this article, you are probably looking for foods high in fat. The … Read more

10 Foods High in Manganese for a Healthier You

Manganese is a trace mineral, which means your body only needs a very small amount of it. Incidentally, manganese is also naturally found only in small amounts in food. However, this also means that you have to ensure that you get enough manganese in your diet, because manganese deficiency can lead to problems like osteoporosis, … Read more

Top 10 Foods High in Flourine For Your Teeth, Bones, and Body

Fluorine, also known as fluoride, is a mineral that has an important role in building stronger teeth and preventing dental cavities. It is often found in water, toothpaste, mouthwash, and some food. Functions and benefits of fluorine include the decrease of tooth cavities because it hardens teeth enamel, making it more resistant to acids and … Read more

10 Foods High in Cobalt for Healthy Blood and Nerves

Cobalt, one of the “trace” minerals, is essential in the production of vitamin B12, which in turn helps in the production of red blood cells. It’s called a trace mineral because it is very rare in foods, and you also only need a small amount of it (about 2µg per day at most). Even so, … Read more

10 Foods High in Chlorine, the Vital Chemical That You Should Eat Now

Chlorine is more popularly known as the chemical used to disinfect pools, but in reality it offers plenty of health benefits to humans, and is actually required to stay healthy. It helps in maintaining the correct pH balance in the body, as well as promotes protein digestion. It is also important in keeping bones, teeth, … Read more

10 Foods High in Arsenic That You Should Be Careful With

Arsenic is a naturally-occurring element in rocks and soil. It has a variety of industrial uses, including pesticides, wood preservatives, and metal works. It’s especially effective in pesticides because it’s a highly poisonous substance, which is why it’s important to avoid human ingestion of arsenic beyond 10 parts per billion (ppb), as recommended by the … Read more

10 Foods High in Fatty Acids That You Should Eat More Of

Fatty acids, also known as omega-3 fatty acids, are different from other types of fat in that they are actually good to have, and also perform many roles in the human body. Believe it or not, fatty acids help lower the risk of heart disease, and having too little omega-3 in the body can cause … Read more

Slash Off These 10 Foods High In Cholesterol From Your Diet

Cholesterol is a food component that is often perceived to bring negative effects to the body. Actually, cholesterol is present in the membranes of our cells. It is needed in the production of steroid hormones like progesterone and testosterone. However, excessive consumption of foods high in cholesterol may lead to plaque buildup and cause atherosclerosis … Read more

Keep Your Digestive System Healthy with These 10 Foods High in Sulfates

Sulfur is one of the most abundant chemicals in the body, next to sodium, chlorine, and potassium. Being present in all cells, it is essential in protein synthesis, which in turn is used by the body to produce tissues. Meanwhile, sulfates, sometimes spelled sulfates, are mineral salts that contain sulfur. The oxygen-and-sulfur compound keeps the … Read more