10 Effective Remedies To Help You Treat Swollen Feet At Home

Swollen feet are when the feet enlarge abnormally due to a localized fluid buildup in the tissues. Regardless if the swelling is localized or generalized, it is usually characterized by enlargement, redness, heat, or pain. Whether it’s the feet or any other body part, swelling usually results from increased fluid or blood movement in the … Read more

10 Natural Remedies For Teeth Whitening (At Home)

Changes in the color of the teeth are a natural part of the aging process. It is inevitable and happens gradually. Usually, people who are smokers, heavy drinkers, and old have yellow and dark teeth. This is because of the erosion of the enamel or the protective covering of the teeth. With the enamel gone, … Read more

13 Causes & Triggers of Tension Headache You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

A tension headache is a common headache caused by stress, anxiety, and muscle tension. As the name implies, this is not caused by a disease or a structural problem in the head or neck. Rather, it is a muscular or a vascular problem. Therefore, a tension headache may also be called a “stress headache.” Tension … Read more

14 Home (And Natural) Remedies For The Flu

The flu is a contagious respiratory illness that can be deadly. It can cause various symptoms, including fever, headache, body aches, coughing, and fatigue. It’s highly contagious, and you may have gotten it from another person at work, school, or home. The CDC recommends washing your hands often and staying home if you feel sick. … Read more

What Are The Causes Of Thumb Pain? 13 Common Triggers

The hands are made up of the wrist, palm, and fingers. The fingers assist the hands in gripping an object and forming precise movements, such as sewing and writing. Typically, there are five fingers attached to a hand. Each finger is called a digit, and these digits are important in executing daily activities. The first … Read more

13 Toenail Fungus Causes You Should Know (Common Triggers)

A toenail is a vital part of the body. It is a claw-like plate located at the tip of the toes. It is made of a tough protein that protects against irritants called alpha-keratin, the same protein that makes up the hair, fingernails, and skin. This keratin is tough and strong enough for everyday use. … Read more

12 Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus: The Natural Treatment List

Fungal infection of the toenail is called toenail fungus or onychomycosis. It is characterized by the discoloration of one or more toenails. This infection is highly contagious and may cause the thickening or cracking of nails. A type of mold, which is called dermatophyte, causes tinea unguium. A dermatophyte is a mold that uses keratin, … Read more

Tonsil Stones: 13 Best Ways To Treat (According to Professionals)

The tonsils, or palatine tonsils, are a pair of soft tissues found in the back of the mouth and the rear of the pharynx. Tonsils are part of the body’s lymphatic system. Their main purpose is to prevent harmful bacteria and foreign microorganisms from entering the body, specifically the digestive tract and respiratory system. Each … Read more

12 Effective Tonsil Stones Home Remedies You Should Try

Tonsils are lymph nodes found at the back of the mouth and top of the throat. Each tonsil is composed of tissues that are similar to lymph nodes, and covered by pink mucosa. These soft tissues are part of the body’s immune system. Because of their location, they can fight infection by filtering bacteria and … Read more

10 Best Home Remedies For Tonsillitis (List)

The tonsils are two glands at the back of the throat that serve as the body’s natural filters. They are responsible for preventing viruses and harmful bacteria from entering the body. Tonsils also make antibodies to fight off foreign microorganisms and infections. Since the tonsils are exposed to harmful microbes, they are also prone to … Read more