10 Natural Remedies For Teeth Whitening (At Home)

Changes in the color of the teeth are a natural part of the aging process. It is inevitable and happens gradually. Usually, people who are smokers, heavy drinkers, and old have yellow and dark teeth. This is because of the erosion of the enamel or the protective covering of the teeth. With the enamel gone, the yellow dentin becomes exposed. Dentin is a layer of calcified tissue underneath the enamel.

Changes in teeth can affect a person’s confidence. In fact, almost 40% of patients with severe tooth damage experience social withdrawal and low self-esteem. It also shows that teeth discoloration can affect their work performance and social interactions. Moreover, it may indicate other conditions such as acid reflux, tooth decay, or belching. So, experts always advise everyone to be more mindful of their dental health.

Over-the-counter tooth-whitening tools are readily available. However, you can try cheaper conventional methods and natural remedies to solve this problem. This article discusses some home remedies for teeth whitening. But, always be careful of doing these methods, for they may cause more damage to the teeth if not done properly. And do not do them all at once. Instead, it’ll be best to rotate the treatments throughout the week and observe what works best for you.

Brushing Teeth More Frequently

The first step in eliminating discoloration is to improve oral hygiene. Before trying anything else, it is important to teach the patients when and how to brush their teeth. The general rule of thumb is to brush the teeth a few minutes after every meal, especially after consuming drinks and foods that can cause yellow teeth. However, recent findings have shown that brushing right away after eating acidic foods can lead to enamel erosion. So, patients should give the mouth’s enzymes some time to clean the teeth naturally before brushing. 

To brush the teeth properly, begin with gentle circular motions to avoid gum bleeding. Then, ensure that the cracks, crevices, and chewing surfaces, inside and outside teeth, are thoroughly brushed. Do this for about 3 to 5 minutes. Next, gargle with clean water and check for more stains. Repeat the process until there are no more visible stains left.

In addition, using whitening toothpaste can also help. For example, a study shows that whitening toothpaste has safe abrasives that help remove stains (e.g. from coffee, tea, or candies). There are also small-scale studies proving that electric toothbrushes are more effective in cleaning the surface of the teeth.