10 Low Iron (Anemia) Symptoms & Early Signs – Don’t Ignore

Delicate or Fragile Nails

Koilonychia is a condition described as developing fragile or spoon-shaped cuticles. This symptom is also considered to be among the rarer signs of iron deficiency and only accounts for approximately 5% of all cases. In addition, researchers have noted that developing fragile nails only happens in the most severe of cases. Developing fragile fingernails happens in anemic patients when they lose significant amounts of blood or follow a diet that does not have enough iron according to their daily needs.

One of the first signs to look out for in brittle fingernails is noticeable chipping and cracking, which happen with little to no effort. If koilonychia continues to develop and reaches the later stages, the center of the nail may form a divot or a dent that gives the nails an appearance reminiscent of a spoon.