10 Low Iron (Anemia) Symptoms & Early Signs – Don’t Ignore

Dehydrated and Unhealthy Skin and Hair

Another known symptom of anemia is being unable to maintain well-hydrated and healthy skin and hair. The cause is believed to be the reduced amount of oxygen in the blood. Oxygen promotes growth and repair in the body. Without it, the cells responsible for hair growth cannot maintain healthy hair growth. Instead, the oxygen-deprived hemoglobin is tasked with trying to cope with the situation and resorts to growing hair and skin that is dry and unhealthy.

Some researchers suggest that low levels of iron are also related to hair loss, with a few going even as far as to say that it can be the root cause of hair loss in women in their reproductive age. Losing a few strands of hair daily is normal while brushing or washing. But it becomes a concern if you observe large clumps of hair falling out. If this is the case, it may be caused or related to a lack of iron.