13 Effective Remedies To Help You Treat Bad Breath At Home

Lots of Water

Halitosis also happens because of a dry mouth. If the inside of the mouth becomes dry during the day, it invites bacteria to flourish. Once bacteria grow inside the mouth and tongue, it can negatively affect breath quality, and the person may not notice the dramatic shift. Saliva is also essential in controlling mouth dryness and bacterial growth. If there isn’t enough saliva produced, bacteria get a chance to take hold of the inside of the mouth and cause problems with the mouth odor. The mouth environment isn’t supposed to be dry and works best if it’s a bit wet from saliva. 

Drinking water whenever the mouth feels dry prevents bacteria from taking root in the mouth and flushes them from your system. Hydrating regularly will help manage the mouth environment and keep it healthy and free from bacteria. Even if your body doesn’t produce enough saliva, sipping water (not juice, soda, or other similar liquids) will act like saliva and keep your breath smelling fresher.

If this doesn’t work, it may be better to consult a dentist or general practitioner to determine whether other underlying causes affect your mouth health.