13 Effective Remedies To Help You Treat Bad Breath At Home

Green or Black Tea 

Green or black tea is one of the most versatile beverages in the world. They’re rich in antioxidants, and the polyphenols present in the tea help reduce sulfur compounds and various oral bacteria that contribute to bad breath. Drinking the beverage will flush out the bacteria in the back of your mouth and also cleanses the palate, making your breath smell fresher. 

Recent studies have shown the efficiency of drinking green or black tea several times daily to help with oral health. The antioxidants help stave off bacteria and other elements that contribute to bad-smelling breath as it flushes it away. The antioxidants also help maintain general mouth health as it removes possible free radicals alongside mucus and eliminates them via the excretory system. 

Doctors recommend steeping a bag of black or green tea in one cup of water and drinking at least twice daily for best results. The compounds present in the tea will react accordingly and help protect oral health.