12 Impressive Health Benefits Of Beets (Hint: Eat More)

Improves Athletic Performance

Several studies found dietary nitrates in beets could enhance the performance of athletes. It appears that nitrates can improve mitochondria’s efficiency. Mitochondria help produce energy in the cells, which enhances physical performance. One review showed that beet juice enhances endurance by increasing the time it takes for an athlete to be exhausted. The process boosts cardiorespiratory performance and improves the efficiency of athletes. 

For example, a cyclist’s performance improves by increasing oxygen use by more than 20 percent by drinking beetroot juice. However, it takes about two to three hours after eating beets or drinking the juice before the blood nitrate levels increase. Thus, consuming beets/juice two hours before training or competing is best. 

In this way, the athlete can maximize the benefits of the root crop. According to a study by applied sciences and physiology of sports professor, it will take about three to five beets to get a performance boost. Moreover, beets and beet juice help the lungs and heart perform better when exercising, as nitric oxide increases the flow of blood to the muscles.