12 Impressive Health Benefits Of Beets (Hint: Eat More)

Fights Inflammation

Beets have anti-inflammatory properties because they contain betalains, the nitrogen-containing pigments whose primary edible source is the red beetroot. Betalains benefit from various health aspects because chronic inflammation is usually associated with multiple conditions, including cancer, liver disease, heart disease, and obesity. 

In a study of people with high blood pressure, the researchers found that consuming 250 ml (8.5 ounces) of beetroot juice for two weeks reduced several markers of inflammation significantly, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) and C-reactive protein (CRP). 

Another previous study on people with osteoarthritis (inflammation of the joints) revealed that their pain and discomfort were remarkably reduced after taking betalain capsules from beetroot extract. 

Furthermore, extracts and juice from beetroots reduced kidney inflammation of lab animals injected with toxic chemicals to induce the condition. The study showed the remarkable anti-inflammatory properties of betalains exclusively from beets. Although more studies on humans are needed to make the conclusions valid, the promising results already indicate that beets can benefit people with various inflammation-related conditions such as obesity, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.