Avoid Foods High in Triglyceride and Take These 10 Foods Instead

4. Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the most ideal types of food to eat if you’re trying to avoid unhealthy fat. They are high in vitamins and minerals that reduce your cholesterol levels. 2 to 4 serving of fruit and 3 to 5 servings of vegetables are recommended daily to keep your hunger at bay between your whole grains and lean meat. For example, snacking on some carrot sticks instead of potato chips are the types of decisions that drastically reduce your chances of suffering from heart diseases.

5. Legumes and Peas

Dry beans and peas are great sources of plant-based proteins and fiber aside from fruits and vegetables. They make tasty snacks especially for the more well known varieties including chickpeas that are turned into hummus and falafel. Mixing in some veggies with hummus is a particularly tasty treat to snack on. Around 5 ounces or 142 g of legumes and peas daily should be enough for an average adult.