Avoid Foods High in Triglyceride and Take These 10 Foods Instead

6. Olive Oil

Olive oil is popular for being a healthy alternative to fattier oils for cooking. Virgin or extra virgin variants contain the highest amount of antioxidants that lower the bad cholesterol in your blood. They are high in calories, however, so try to limit your consumption to between 2 and 4 tablespoons daily since extra calories still gets turned into fat.

7. Fatty Fish

Another alternative to high fat protein sources like pork are fatty types of fish like salmon and tuna. This is because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for your heart and prevent various types of heart disease. They are best cooked through baking or grilling because frying them in fat counteracts their healthy properties. Two servings or 5 ounces a week are the daily recommended amount of fatty fish that aid a low fat diet.