10 Foods High in Starch: A Healthy Option For a Starch-Rich Diet

4. Breads

Bread has between 30 and 45 grams of starch per 100 g serving.  Among all breads, bagels and naan bread have the highest percentage of starch having 48% and 43%, respectively. Bread, especially if you choose the healthier ones, are good source of fiber which is a great way to reduce constipation, besides, they can satisfy your hunger and provide the much-needed energy for your body.

5. Green Bananas

Green bananas are very good source of starch because they provide a healthy form of carbohydrates and contain other nutrients such as Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. One-half of a 9-inch banana contains approximately 6 grams of starch. As the banana ripens, the health benefits you get decreases. Therefore, it is advisable to eat green bananas instead of the ripe ones to fully enjoy all of their nutrients.