10 Foods High in Arsenic That You Should Be Careful With

2. Rice

Yes, white rice, delicious as it is, contains arsenic, and may easily give you significant amounts of it if consumed often enough. Brown rice, however, has been shown to contain significantly higher levels of arsenic than white rice. The average American, who consumes about half a cup of white rice a day, also ingests up to 222 parts per billion of inorganic arsenic, which is enough to give a person a 1 in 300 chance of developing cancer. It’s better to get your carbohydrates from other sources instead, like bread.

3. Rice Products

Because rice contains arsenic, foods derived from rice naturally contain it too. Popular rice products that are consumed in large amounts include infant cereals, ready-to-eat cereals, rice cakes, rice pasta, rice flour, rice crackers, and rice milk. An analysis of these types of products by Consumer Reports revealed measurable (significant) levels of inorganic arsenic, which is the type that should be avoided.