10 Foods High in Arsenic That You Should Be Careful With

4. Brussels Sprouts

This is the kind of revelation that gives people trust issues—Brussels sprouts are among the healthiest of foods, and many health advocates highly recommend them and even describe them as a “superfood.” Despite this, the inorganic arsenic in the soil is highly attracted to Brussels sprouts, which in turn is readily absorbed by the vegetable and thereby ingested by health enthusiasts. Regular consumers of Brussels sprouts had 10.4% more arsenic in them than those who ate once a month or less.

5. Chicken

Chicken, and other poultry birds, do not regularly contain high levels of arsenic in their meat; however, the feed they are regularly given usually contains arsenic-based drugs. The Food and Drug Administration had recently banned most of these additives from being included in chicken feed, but these feeds are still available in the wild, and there are still a few other chemicals that need to be addressed. Until this issue has been fully resolved, stick with organic poultry.