10 Foods High in Arsenic That You Should Be Careful With

6. Beer

Bad news for beer lovers—your favorite after-work ritual might be giving you unhealthy levels of inorganic arsenic, among other unhealthy things. Having 2 and a half beers a day (which is far from enough for most drinkers) can increase your arsenic levels by 30% higher than non-drinkers. While scientists assume that the arsenic may be coming from the water used in brewing, there are also plenty of possible sources, like other ingredients and brewing equipment.

7. Wine

So you can’t drink beer because it has a lot of arsenic, does that mean you can turn to other methods of inebriation, like wine? Aside from being a questionable way to address your alcohol addiction, wine itself isn’t exactly free from arsenic either. A New Hampshire study found that arsenic levels in women who drank 5 to 6 glasses of wine a week had at least 20% more arsenic in their bodies than those who don’t drink at all. Red wines seem to contain more arsenic than the rest, but no matter which one you prefer, you can be drinking up to 23.3 parts per billion of arsenic, which is 13 ppb higher than the healthy limit of 10 ppb.