14 Common Causes of Fatty Liver You Shouldn’t Ignore

Become Active

Fatty liver conditions have been strongly associated with sedentary lifestyles. Additionally, physical inactivity is a known contributor to the development of other associated diseases, including but not necessarily limited to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Therefore, whether you have the condition or not, it’s vital to remain active. According to the guidelines on physical activity for Americans, the goal to reach is a hundred and fifty minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity exercise weekly.

That means it’s around half an hour, five days every week. You don’t have to sign up for a gym membership or take up a sport. For example, a thirty-minute brisk walk a day is sufficient. If you don’t have enough time, it’s possible to break it into two fifteen-minute sessions instead. Usually, the most challenging aspect of working out is getting started. An effective strategy is integrating exercise into everyday activities, such as walking your dog, grocery shopping, or using the stairs.

Like adopting weight loss programs, it’s a rule of thumb to talk to your doctor first. In this way, you’ll be able to find the most optimal fitness regimen for you and avoid the exercises that may have higher risks of injury.