14 Common Causes of Fatty Liver You Shouldn’t Ignore

Avoid Sugar

Dietary sugars like sucrose and fructose have long been associated with fatty liver development. Moreover, research conducted in 2017 describes how sugars contribute to the build-up of excessive liver fat over time. Some culprits are commercially processed and store-bought foods, such as pastries, candy, ice cream, sugary cereals, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and sweetened products.

To identify if packaged foods contain added sugar, you must carefully read the ingredients on their packaging list. Words ending in “ose” are typically sugar, including maltose, fructose, and sucrose. Other commonly-added sugars to look out for are cane sugar, high-fructose syrup, corn sweetener, fruit juice, honey, molasses, and simple syrup. Another way you can tell the amount of sugar in food items is by reading labels on nutrition facts and checking the sugar grams. Of course, the lower it is, the better it’ll be.  

Cutting down on sugar has numerous benefits outside of preventing excess liver fat accumulation. For starters, it can help regulate blood glucose more effectively. It also aids in improving weight management and oral health. It may also promote skin health and prevent acne and other skin conditions. Lastly, it could potentially lower the risks of developing depression.