What’s New? 12 Treatments for Bladder Infection

Pain Relievers

Pain relievers are the best solution to any bladder infection since the body needs to recover from the infection. One will feel an excruciating pain. Doctors often recommend some pain relievers for people suffering from the infection. Fortunately, many recommended pain relievers are available over the counter, like ibuprofen and acetaminophen. If the pain is terrible, there are other medications that a doctor can expressly prescribe to ease the pain.

Another preferred pain relief medication for bladder infections is phenazopyridine. It is an analgesic that focuses its effects on the urinary tract. It soothes the lining around the area, so it doesn’t feel painful. It makes the urine change color to a reddish tone, but it is only a cosmetic side-effect.

An interesting medicine to ease the pain is sodium bicarbonate. While better known as a way to help with stomach pains since it lowers the acidity of stomach acids, it can also neutralize urine acidity. The result is a much less painful time urinating.