What’s New? 12 Treatments for Bladder Infection


Since bladder infections and UTIs are prevalent among women, especially after menopause, some scientists have tried estrogen therapy to treat the infection. Considering that women might end up living 40 percent of their lives in menopause, preventing infections in the urinary tract area should be a priority.

The depletion of estrogen, which happens during menopause, exposes women to the risk of infection because of the changes in a woman’s body. It makes the bladder and urethra, along with the vagina, become a ripe ground for bacterial infection. With estrogen therapy, women should be able to reduce the recurrence of infections along with treating them. It is better than only using antibiotics since women don’t have to deal with more infections. In addition, with more estrogen, an older woman’s urinary tract will have more lactobacillus, a good bacteria that help protect against infection. Besides, there are minimal side effects since the body is already familiar with estrogen. The only limitation this treatment option has is that it is mainly for women.