What Could Cause Armpit Fat? 8 Possible Triggers (List)


Sometimes, the development of armpit fat is due to hormonal changes. For example, breast tissue becomes sensitive to hormonal changes during puberty and when women are menstruating, pregnant, or menopausal. 

For example, a pregnant woman produces the prolactin hormone, which enlarges the breast. The hormone gets the breasts ready for milk production. The breasts can swell where there are alterations in the production of progesterone and estrogen.

The fatty tissues in the breasts connect with the fat around the armpits. Therefore, changes in the breasts affect the armpit tissues. While breasts vary in shape and size among individuals, hormonal changes affect breast composition. Getting extra fat under the armpits is also a sign of the normal aging process. 

Excess progesterone is likewise a cause of armpit fat. This particular hormone is also one of the causes of the storage of fat in the armpits, thighs, and hips of women when they are menstruating. Moreover, if the body produces too much estrogen, it spurs an overproduction of progesterone.