What Could Cause Armpit Fat? 8 Possible Triggers (List)


Overweight individuals are likely to have subcutaneous fat deposits under or in their armpits, depending on the genetics that dictates where the body stores excess fat. If a person gains excess weight, the subcutaneous fat (fat found under the skin) may deposit in the underarm. Moreover, weight gain can make the armpit area and breasts larger. While eating a nutritious diet and exercising can reduce the size of fat in the armpit, it is difficult to spot-reduce that specific area, according to various studies. 

Thus, if the armpit fat has already developed, it will be hard to get rid of it naturally. For one thing, the person’s excessive weight can be the inevitable cause of the growth of armpit fat. Moreover, some people with leaner weight may still develop the disorder. 

The fat contained in the fat cells is called triglycerides. They cannot be used directly as fuel by the muscle cell unless broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol for distribution through the bloodstream. But since there are no spot exercises to target armpit fat, it cannot be broken down and used.