What Could Cause Armpit Fat? 8 Possible Triggers (List)

Axillary Breast Tissue

Sometimes, what people think of armpit fat could be something else. For example, it could be excess breast tissue. It is a condition medical practitioners call accessory breast or axillary breast. The typical cause of this condition is the breast tissue’s development outside the area where the breasts are naturally located. Thus, the tissue grows in the armpit or the axilla. 

Axillary breast is a rare occurrence, but it is a congenital condition. According to studies, it occurs more in women than in men. Since breast tissue responds to fluctuations in hormone levels, the fluctuations also affect axillary breast tissue. Therefore, the armpit may look lumpier or thicker when changes in progesterone and estrogen levels occur when women have their periods or become pregnant.

Between one and six percent of women get accessory breasts. In most women, the fat deposit under the arm does not cause pain (asymptomatic), but it restricts arm movement for some. Likewise, their unsightly presence causes anxiety or cosmetic problems in some women. While healthcare providers currently recommend the surgical removal of accessory breasts, the complications that may occur after the procedure lack comprehensive documentation.