10 Health Benefits Of Yoga (Backed By Science)

Improves Sleep

Having enough sleep is important to your overall health. During this time, your cells regenerate, and your body recuperates, thus strengthening your immune system to prevent sickness and speed up healing if you ever get sick. However, lack of sleep may also cause your metabolism to slow, leading to poor eating choices and weight gain. Moreover, your mood might be affected due to sleep deprivation. It could make you irritable, which may strain your relationship with other people. It may also negatively impact your work, studies, or other tasks, as it will affect your focus and efficiency. 

Yoga can help improve the quality of sleep for people of all ages. For example, children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or ASD may have trouble sleeping due to stress. Yoga can help relieve stress, thus promoting better sleep. Older people also suffer from sleep disturbances, but research suggests yoga could improve the quality of their sleep and life in general. Yoga’s effect in calming the mind and the effect of the exercise itself could be why it aids people to sleep better and deeper.