10 Proven Health Benefits Of Vitamin D

Prevents Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that results in a high blood sugar level, which the body can no longer regulate properly. It further leads to problems in various body systems, including the immune, nervous, and circulatory systems. Although it used to be common in adults, many children are now diagnosed with it, and obesity is a leading risk factor. The cause of this disease is when the pancreas does not produce much insulin, and the cells do not interact properly with the latter. It results in the cells not taking enough sugar, which goes to the bloodstream. 

Some studies showed a lower risk of diabetes in subjects taking vitamin D supplements, which suggests it could potentially prevent type 2 diabetes. Moreover, it helps avoid problems that may lead to the said disease, like inflammation, insulin resistance, and beta cell malfunction in the pancreas. Prevention is the key to preventing type 2 diabetes, and eating nutritious foods, including those rich in vitamin D, is one way to do this. Losing weight and staying active will also help avoid this health risk.