12 Health Benefits Of Vitamin B6 (Is The Hype Real?)

Helps in the Prevention and Treatment of Anemia

Vitamin B6 may be useful in preventing and treating anemia brought on by a deficiency because of its function in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a protein responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Hemoglobin levels may drop if a person suffers from any disorder that interferes with their body’s capacity to produce red blood cells. Decreased levels of hemoglobin can be an indicator of several illnesses, including cancer and several types of anemia.

Anemia is a disease wherein the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells. It develops when the body’s supply of red blood cells is insufficient or the red blood cells’ normal function is compromised. Red blood cells supply oxygen to the body. Energy is produced by the cells using oxygen. The body cannot make the energy it needs to function without red blood cells in good health and doing their job. While some types of anemia are mild and temporary, others could last a lifetime and prove fatal if left untreated.

Anemia is quite prevalent, afflicting one-third of the world’s population and approximately three million Americans. Treatments for anemia can range from taking vitamins to medical procedures, depending on the underlying cause.