10 Symptoms of Vertigo (Early Signs To Be Aware Of)

Balance Problems

Most people don’t realize that the body has a system that’s in charge of maintaining its balance. This is the vestibular system, and it is found in the inner ear. The vestibular system consists of two otolith organs, the saccule and utricle and three semicircular canals. The semicircular canals contain fluids and a patch of sensory hair cells that send signals to the brain every time people tilt or turn their heads sideways, upwards, or downwards. When there are contradictory signals that the brain receives, the body responds by becoming nauseous, dizzy, or unwell. 

In children, the vestibular system is quite sensitive, and as people grow older, it becomes slower to respond to certain situations. Doctors also point to inner and middle ear infections as factors affecting the overall sense of balance. 

Health experts suggest vestibular rehabilitation, dietary changes, medications, and surgery as methods to treat balance problems and strengthen the vestibular system. Regular visits to the ear doctor can also help prevent infections and the onset of vertigo.