What Causes Toothache? 14 Causes To Consider

Wisdom Tooth

The third molars are the final set of permanent teeth to erupt in the mouth, appearing between the ages of 17 and 25. Commonly known as “wisdom teeth,” they are often impacted or lodged under the gums and may grow at an unnatural angle and cause problems. These molars lack enough space to erupt and fully mature. In rare cases, adults do not get their wisdom teeth. 

Pain and other dental issues may result from wisdom teeth being impacted into the adjacent teeth or the gum. They may put pressure on the gums, teeth, and jawbone. Incomplete eruption of the wisdom teeth may also be painful. Wisdom teeth in the lower jaw can form cavities and infections because the gum flap covers the biting surface, inducing symptoms like swelling, inflammation, and discomfort.

The wisdom teeth should be extracted if they are causing discomfort in the upper back or lower molar region. The pain and unpleasant side effects, such as poor breath, a nasty taste in the mouth while chewing food, redness and swelling, and other general health difficulties, will only increase with time if not treated early. When left untreated for extended periods, it may cause cysts and even cancers.