The 12 Health Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder You Should Be Aware Of


A wider sense of weariness and lack of energy is carried on by fatigue. Fatigue is different from feeling tired or sleepy, although it is frequently accompanied by a desire to sleep more than usual. The person experiencing it lacks the drive to do anything, especially when worn out. For this reason, getting out of bed in the morning becomes more difficult. 

Often, fatigue happens with depression, but it can also happen during manic episodes. One of the most incapacitating signs of bipolar disorder is fatigue. The ability to carry out regular tasks and general well-being may also be affected. However, making a few lifestyle adjustments may help mitigate its harmful impacts.

In bipolar disorder, fatigue unfortunately frequently creates a vicious cycle. Mania can cause excessive daytime fatigue due to its high energy levels and restlessness, making it difficult to fall asleep at night. However, one could have constant exhaustion while sad. They might not feel motivated or energetic to do regular duties like obtaining the mail or simply preparing food.