What Are The Causes Of Swollen Uvula? 11 Common Triggers


When the vocal tissues vibrate while a person is sleeping, the air flows from the nostrils to the lungs; this is what causes snoring. A harsh, scratchy noise may result from this. Snoring is usually brought on by obesity, allergens, runny nose, smoke, alcohol usage, and sleeping on one’s back.

Swollen and painful uvulas are frequently linked to excessive snoring, specifically if it creates loud vibrations. In addition, sleep apnea, which produces noisy and disturbing snoring and spells of interrupted breathing, may cause this kind of snoring.

Snoring has also been associated with upper airway tract neuromuscular damage. It covers structural and molecular damage, as evidenced by the loss of neurons and muscle mass in the roof of the mouth. Additionally, other medical conditions may be indicated by snoring.

It is recommended to consult a doctor if snoring is observed to be the root cause of uvula swelling. For investigative purposes, the doctor could order specific tests like an x-ray and sleep study. Treatment options vary; however, snoring may be reduced by losing weight, using nasal decongestants, switching postures while sleeping, wearing a mouth guard, or using CPAP equipment to keep the airway open.