Sore Throat Natural Remedies: 13 Best Options For Relief


Honey is an amber-colored syrup with a thick consistency that is a natural ingredient found in honeycombs of bees. It is often used as a natural sweetener in several food recipes from all over the world. Beyond this, honey has been used in traditional and alternative medicine because of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial features that can be helpful for sore throat. Aside from relieving the pain and fighting off the infection, adding honey to home remedies can make it taste better.

Honey can be added to natural home remedies for sore throat by mixing two tablespoons to warm water, then mixing them thoroughly to create a solution. Raw honey or manuka honey are some known honey variants that can be used.

Like salt water and baking soda gargle, it is not recommended to use honey as a natural home remedy for children, especially those under one year old. Children below one year old should avoid eating honey because their digestive systems have not fully acquired the healthy bacteria that help fight off microorganisms or toxins like the spores of botulism that may sometimes be found in honey.