What Causes Sore Gums? 15 Causes To Consider


Sore gums can be caused by trauma or infection. Trauma can include injury to the mouth, damage to the teeth or mouth, dental procedures, and even eating hard foods that scrape against the teeth. If bacteria get into a wound, it can cause an infection. If a tooth has a deep cavity and tests positive for an abscess, it could cause sore gums and mouth infections. Bacteria and viruses generally cause mouth infections. If a person has diabetes or is immunocompromised, they may be more susceptible to infections. Diseases such as HIV also increase susceptibility to infections of the mouth.

When bacteria and plaque accumulate in the mouth, they can cause sore gums. Plaque is a sticky film that constantly forms on teeth. Unchecked plaque buildup can lead to gingivitis, causing inflammation in the gums. If left untreated, this condition can develop into periodontal disease, and the bacteria could lead to an infection.