What Causes Sore Gums? 15 Causes To Consider

Sore gums are a common annoyance, but a serious health condition rarely causes them. Most of the time, it’s a sign of simple dehydration and poor oral hygiene. However, if your gums are sore, you could improve the issue by taking better care of your teeth, including drinking plenty of water and brushing more thoroughly.

There are many possible causes of sore gums. When you have sore gums, you can experience pain, redness, and swelling in the affected area. You may also notice a burning sensation in the affected area. In addition, sore gums can be caused by numerous issues, such as teeth grinding, swollen or infected gum tissue, and certain diseases or conditions.

Knowing what’s causing your sore gums helps to know what type of soreness is being experienced. There are two types: localized and generalized. Localized pain is pinpointed to one area. For example, a particular tooth or group of teeth may be where you’re experiencing pain. Generalized pain is more widespread and affects more than one area; jaw tenderness may occur in addition to localized pain in the teeth.

Let’s discuss the potential causes of sore gums below.

Brushing too Hard

Brushing too hard can cause sore gums, a problem more common in people who brush their teeth improperly or excessively. The most common cause of sore gums is brushing too hard. Brushing too hard can lead to excessive force being applied to the gums, which causes the gum tissue to pull away from the tooth. This causes pain and bleeding. So how do you know if you’re brushing too hard? If your toothbrush has a pressure sensor, it can help you out. Alternatively, you can ask your dentist for advice on how hard is too hard. Some people avoid this problem using a softer brush or an electric one.

People who have receding gums also tend to develop sore gums because the gum line becomes exposed, making it more susceptible to damage from conventional brushing techniques. In addition, receding gums are caused by poor oral hygiene and periodontal disease, which can be treated with good dental care. 

The pain and irritation caused by brushing with a hard or worn-down toothbrush can be detrimental to oral health, especially in the long run. The key is to use a softer bristle toothbrush and to change out your toothbrush often. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends changing your toothbrush after just three months of use. Most people do not realize that their toothbrushes could harbor bacteria, viruses, and toxins in their mouths. Brushing with an old, hard toothbrush will increase the chances of exposing yourself to harmful germs and create more damage over time to the soft tissue inside your mouth.