The 11 Causes of Receding Gums (You Should Definetly Be Aware Of)

Aggressive Brushing

Everyone must brush their teeth at least twice daily to maintain great oral health and hygiene. The act of toothbrushing refers to scrubbing the teeth with a toothbrush, typically with toothpaste, to remove plaque and other organic buildups. People can also use interdental brushes or floss to remove the food particles lodged between the teeth and gums for a more satisfying and deeper clean. 

However, some people brush their teeth with an aggressive force which can cause damage to the gums and teeth. Although it can clean the teeth and gums in the long run, it can do more harm than good. The toothbrush can also cause damage, so people must choose the right bristles for their toothbrush and consider the ingredients in their toothpaste.

Furthermore, those who brush aggressively can cause gums to recede from their original positions because the action pushes gums away from the teeth. Initially, it can cause bleeding, and the gums will heal and adjust until they expose the root, making the teeth more sensitive and prone to cavities and decay. 

People can switch to using soft-bristled toothbrushes and use a circular motion in cleaning their teeth. However, they must also hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to optimize the cleaning process.