What Could Cause Pitting Edema? 13 Possible Triggers (List)


For many women, pregnancy is a time of joy and excitement. But it can also be a time of discomfort, as the extra weight of pregnancy strains the body in many ways. One common pregnancy complaint is pitting or swelling in the lower extremities. Pitting edema during pregnancy is thought to be caused by several factors. First, as the baby grows, it puts pressure on the veins in the lower extremities, which can impede blood flow and cause fluid to build up in the tissues. Additionally, hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause fluid retention. And finally, pregnancy can lead to an increase in blood volume, which also contributes to swelling in the lower extremities.

There are several things that pregnant women can do to find relief from pitting edema. First and foremost, staying well-hydrated is important by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. It’s also helpful to avoid standing for long periods and elevate the legs when possible. Wearing loose-fitting clothing and comfortable shoes can also help alleviate discomfort from pitting edema. However, before taking any medication during pregnancy, it’s always best to check with your healthcare provider first.