What Could Cause Pitting Edema? 13 Possible Triggers (List)

Staying or Sitting too Long

Have you ever noticed those little indentations on the skin after sitting or standing for an extended period? Those are pitting edemas, which occur when fluid accumulates in your tissues. Many things can cause pitting edema, but gravity is the most common cause. When a person stands or sits for long periods, gravity pulls the fluid in the body down into the lower extremities. This is fine if the body can eliminate the excess fluid efficiently. However, the fluid can build up and cause swelling if the lymphatic system isn’t functioning properly.

Standing or sitting for long periods can cause changes in the way blood flows through the veins in the lower extremities. When blood flow is impaired, it can lead to fluid retention and eventual swelling. One effective home remedy is to massage the affected area, which will help move the fluid build-up toward the lymph nodes, where it can be eliminated from the body. You can also apply a cold compress to the area for 10 to 15 minutes at a time to help reduce inflammation and pain.