What Causes Necrotizing Fasciitis? 12 Causes To Consider

Underlying Diseases

Some diseases can trigger or put the body at risk for necrotizing fasciitis. A weakened immune system may allow the quick spread of bacteria. It’ll also be easier for the bacteria to penetrate the body with damaged muscles, skin, and fat tissues.

Some health conditions that affect the body by increasing the risk of necrotizing fasciitis are cancer, chickenpox, diabetes, cirrhosis, heart diseases, chronic kidney disease, peripheral vascular diseases, lung disease, and tuberculosis. All of these conditions affect the body’s natural setting and defense. In addition, they target the systematic or local immunocompromised body, which is crucial in the inflammation of the fascia. 

As the body suffers from other underlying conditions, it also becomes more vulnerable to necrotizing fasciitis. In addition, as the body fights back underlying conditions, it also causes fatigued and exhaustion in the immune system. This will increase the advantage of flesh-eating bacteria since the protector cells are also weakened and unable to repair damaged soft tissues.