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Feeling of Fatigue

Fatigue is a feeling of constantly being overly tired or weak. It is a state that affects a person’s physical and mental conditions. Fatigue can make it difficult for anyone to get up in the morning and go about daily routines. It is different from feeling sleepy, lazy, or tired. People who have fatigue feel drained, exhausted, tired, and weary. It can affect anyone but is more common among working adults. However, fatigue is not an illness or a condition. It is actually considered a symptom. Fatigue is linked with several physical and mental diseases, such as depression, anemia, obesity, and diabetes.

People with diabetes are more likely to experience constant tiredness or diabetes fatigue. This is because an abnormal blood sugar level (either extremely high or low) means that the body is not utilizing glucose. In this case, the cells do not receive the energy they need to function correctly. As a result, the human body feels drained and tired.

Many people with diabetes fatigue lack the energy to do simple things and constantly feel tired regardless of how well they rest or sleep. Regular exercise and a healthy diet won’t also help make people with diabetes fatigue feel better. Instead, proper medication should be given to regulate blood sugar levels.