13 Low Blood Sugar Early Signs And Symptoms To Know (Hypoglycaemia)

Difficulty Concentrating

The brain’s primary source of fuel is glucose. The human brain consumes almost 20% of the body’s glucose-derived energy. Considering that it is only 2% of the body’s mass. Memory, creative thinking, logical reasoning, learning, concentrating, and other cognitive functions are all linked to blood sugar levels. Glucose metabolism fuels the brain to function by generating ATP  or adenosine triphosphate. Therefore, the brain can’t function properly without enough glucose. Additionally, low sugar level hinders the production of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters responsible for the communication between neurons.

A person with hypoglycemia can have difficulty concentrating on a given task. It’ll be hard for them to focus on an exam, a job, household chores, or even simple things like watching a movie. Brain fog is common among overly tired people. Observational studies show that students who skip meals during exams week are more likely to experience mental blocks and confusion during the actual exam.

Patients should take note of the instances when they experience brain fog and difficulty concentrating. These anecdotal reports can help doctors pinpoint the cause/s.