13 Low Blood Sugar Early Signs And Symptoms To Know (Hypoglycaemia)

Trembling or Uncontrollable Shaking

Tremors are rhythmic and involuntary muscle movements that the body exhibits through shaking or trembling. Tremors can affect a person’s body, more commonly the hands, arms, legs, knees, head, and vocal cords. Experiencing minor tremors once in a while is normal and should not cause worry. However, tremors can worsen over time and be serious threats for some people. To this day, the exact cause of tremors is still unknown, but they are often associated with underlying conditions like hypoglycemia.

People with low sugar levels can experience uncontrollable shaking. This happens because a sudden sugar level dip can trigger the brain to produce high amounts of hormones. One example is norepinephrine, also known as the “fight-or-flight” hormone of the body, which is released by the brain to raise the blood sugar level quickly. However, it can cause several side effects, like anxiety, organ stress, and muscle trembling.

Patients experiencing tremors more frequently than usual should seek medical help to identify and address the underlying cause/s.