Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension): 9 Early Signs and Symptoms


Fainting is a reliable indication of low blood pressure or, to be more precise, a low BP is what’s causing the loss of consciousness. Fainting is a brief episode of unconsciousness due to a sudden drop in blood pressure.

Aside from hypotension, several factors can cause the blood vessels to fail to maintain the correct pressure resulting in a temporary drop in blood pressure. These include prolonged standing, extreme heat, emotional distress, severe pain, medication for high blood pressure, the sight of blood, a hypodermic needle, or any specific event that might be very distressing to a person. Whatever is triggering the temporary drop in pressure might be, it results in the brain not getting enough oxygenated blood supply leading to a temporary loss of consciousness or fainting.

Fortunately, most fainting spells will last only a few seconds and won’t be serious. However, it is recommended to seek medical attention in cases where a person does not recover quickly, as it could mean that there might be a more serious medical issue involved.