13 Common Signs Of Liver Failure You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

Dark-Colored Stool

Any sign of internal bleeding is a medical emergency. And mostly, the first sign is blood in vomit and sometimes in the stool.

Unlike blood in vomit, a dark-colored stool is not always alarming. It could be just because of a dark-colored food intake or some medicines that may cause black tarry poop, like iron supplements. But suppose the dark stool comes with other symptoms, like blood in the vomit, severe abdominal pain, confusion, high fever, malaise, and easy bleeding; there is reason enough to suspect that it is due to a malfunctioning liver.

The standard poop color is, basically, all shades of brown and green. However, if there is a tinge of different color in the poop, like red, or if it is completely darkened, it could be a sign of a potentially serious abdominal condition.

When the liver starts to malfunction, it may miss out on some of its essential roles, like clearing up the toxins in the body. When it does, the waste levels in the body may disrupt normal blood circulation, clotting, and other functions, leading to internal bleeding, which can be fatal.