12 Proven Health Benefits Of Ice Bath

Increases Metabolism

Metabolism is a bodily process wherein food and drink are converted into energy or glucose. This chemical reaction maintains the energy required for a cell to function. For example, mixing oxygen with glucose makes it possible for a person to breathe, digest food, think, regulate hormones, remove toxins, and many more. So, increasing metabolism plays an essential role in producing more energy.

Exposing the body to cold water burns energy to regulate the body’s temperature by shivering. Shivering thermogenesis is a body mechanism to fight low-temperature environments. This mechanism is done by the body to generate heat. When the body generates heat, it boosts the person’s metabolism. 

Ice baths are also generators of norepinephrine. This hormone gives signals to activate brown fat. Brown fat is tissue derived from metabolic actives and provides warmth to the body. The sudden drop in temperature signals the sympathetic nervous system, prompting the body to produce norepinephrine to activate brown fat cells. These cells burn food and drinks to form energy to be used as a heat generator of the body, improving metabolism.