15 Natural Remedies For Yeast Infection (At Home)

You’re not alone if you’re in the middle of an uncomfortable and embarrassing yeast infection. While it’s not uncommon to suffer from these infections every once in a while, you can reduce the frequency by practicing better hygiene.

Things you do at home, like changing your undergarments regularly, using panty liners, and applying antifungal powders and creams, can help keep yeast infections from recurring.

Moreover, it’s important to avoid wearing anything too tight between your legs, as these garments are likely to lead to moisture and friction. Taking a shower every day will keep your private areas clean and fresh, too.

In addition to these preventive measures, you can use home remedies for a yeast infection if you have an active infection. These include the following:

OTC Treatments

Over-the-counter (OTC) treatments can help you treat a yeast infection. They can ease itching and burning, reduce discharge and rash, and speed healing. The most common products are anti-fungal creams and suppositories. Both contain a chemical known as ketoconazole, a type of antifungal or anti-yeast medication.

OTC treatment is helpful because it doesn’t require a prescription, is easy to apply to your body with minimal effort, and only costs about $10 per treatment. It’s also more convenient than seeing your doctor for a treatment since you don’t have to visit her office or schedule another appointment later. Over-the-counter yeast infection treatments are also safe for pregnant women or people with sensitive skin, unlike certain prescription medications, and they have no side effects unless you use too much of the cream.