10 Natural Ways To Treat Menopause At Home

Lose Weight or Maintain a Healthy Weight

Menopause is an overwhelming experience for most women. It affects their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. These changes may lead to sudden weight gain. Weight gain due to menopause can result from lifestyle changes, genetics, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and changing hormones. This can affect the women’s self-esteem, social appetite, and overall health. Moreover, being overweight or obese may lead to health risks like heart disease and diabetes.

After experiencing some of the earliest symptoms of menopause, a woman may start to gain weight. It is best to consult a doctor or dietician and discuss dietary restrictions, exercise routines, and lifestyle changes to help the patient maintain a healthy BMI or body mass index. Moreover, it is important to take the advice of the experts before taking any supplements, medications, or committing to any diet, to avoid more complications.

Recent surveys have shown that women who lost 10 percent of their body weight in the natural way experience a significant improvement in their heart rates and blood sugar levels. Patients who could maintain a healthy weight for over a year no longer experience night sweats and hot flashes.