14 Home (And Natural) Remedies For Insomnia

Valerian Root

Valerian root is another home remedy for insomnia. It comes from valerian, a tall grassland plant that bears flowers and is native to Europe and Asia. Valerian roots are manufactured into tablet and capsule forms of dietary supplements as well as tinctures and teas. Multiple studies show the positive effect of valerian root in reducing the time required to fall asleep and improving the quality of sleep. 

Researchers are still determining the way valerian works within the body. But, they suggest that the activity of this natural medicine is associated with the synergistic and independent actions of compounds in the valerian plant. Among those are valepotriates, sesquiterpenes, monoterpenes, carboxylic compounds, flavonoids, lignans, and low levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid works as a messenger in the brain that assists in managing nervous system impulses. This neurotransmitter is among the primary ones responsible for governing sleep, and improving its amount in the body provides calming effects. Meanwhile, valepotriates, the chemical that gives the plant a pungent smell, has antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects, allowing it to help with insomnia.