15 Effective Remedies To Help You Treat Inflammation At Home

Fatty Fish

People who consume fatty fish or fish oil loaded with omega-3 fatty acids show lower levels of inflammation. Fatty fish is also an excellent source of protein and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). While all fish has omega-3 fatty acids, among the best fatty fish to consume to get high amounts of these unsaturated fatty acids include herring, anchovies, salmon, mackerel, and sardines.

For those with dietary restrictions who can’t eat fish, look for other sources of omega-3 fats, such as microalgae. Algae supplements and oils are available in the market and are excellent sources of EPA and DHA fatty acids. These options are available in capsule or liquid form, making them a good addition to drinks and smoothies.

DHA and EPA assist in lowering inflammation that could cause heart disease, metabolic syndrome, kidney disease, and diabetes. The body absorbs these unsaturated fatty acids into compounds called protectins and resolvins that have anti-inflammatory effects.

According to studies, people who eat DHA and EPA supplements or salmon show lower C-reactive protein or CRP, an inflammatory marker. But, in another study, individuals who consumed DHA and EPA every day and were experiencing irregular heartbeat showed no inflammatory markers changes compared to those who took a placebo.