Treating Herpes At Home: 11 Home Remedies


Supplements can boost the immune system and assist the body in controlling breakouts. For instance, consuming 30 mg zinc daily can help lessen an encounter or control a herpes outbreak.

All B-class vitamins are present in vitamin B complex supplements, as well. These vitamins give more energy, promote healthy metabolism, and encourage cell growth. These processes are critical when the virus targets the host during an ongoing outbreak.

The body requires the amino acid lysine for proper cell development and digestion. Herpes simplex outbreaks may be prevented by lysine based on ongoing research. According to some findings, lysine taken daily in doses ranging from 500 to 3,000 mg may have benefits.

It has also been demonstrated that some probiotic strains can support the body’s ability to defend against herpes infections effectively. Taking probiotics may help the immune system in other ways as well. The first step is to consume yogurt. The immune system is known to operate better when probiotic supplements containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains are used.