Treating Herpes At Home: 11 Home Remedies


A variety of vitamins may aid in symptom relief and viral protection. With insufficient vitamin D levels, herpes infection is more likely to return. Vitamin D can help the body fight off infections by boosting a portion of the immune system.

Vitamin E’s antioxidant capabilities may also lessen the strain infections herpes inflicts on the immune system’s cells, reducing the likelihood of disease. Vitamin E is now the subject of clinical trials by researchers to treat herpes.

The antiviral effects of vitamin C are also a topic of continuing research. Studies conducted in the past indicate that taking oral vitamin C together with antiviral medication may help prevent the return of herpes simplex keratitis, an HSV-caused corneal infection.

Researchers have shown that vitamin C can effectively hasten the healing of herpes lesions. In addition, it could make outbreaks last longer between them. Vitamin C is abundant in vegetables and fruits, including bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, papaya, and mango.